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14 September 2021
16 min

Ep. 1 – Baby Merkel: Angie Kasner – My question to Angela Merkel

In this episode, Emilia starts her quest for the perfect question to ask Angela Merkel by looking into her origins. We find out about her life...

14 September 2021
15 min

Ep. 1 – Bébé Merkel / Angie Kasner – Ma question à Angela Merkel

Dans cet épisode, Emilia commence sa quête de la question parfaite à poser à Angela Merkel en se penchant sur les origines de cette dernière. On...

14 September 2021
16 min

Ep. 1 – La giovane Merkel – La mia domanda ad Angela Merkel

In quest’episodio, Emilia intraprende la sua ricerca della domanda perfetta da fare ad Angela Merkel concentrandosi sulle sue origini. Scopriamo dettagli della sua vita da figlia...

15 September 2021
14 min

Ep. 2 – La Chute du Mur de Berlin et Angela au sauna — Ma question à Angela Merkel

Suivez Emilia sur les traces d'Angela Merkel. Découvrez le ton et l'agenda de la série ainsi que des invités célèbres qui donneront un aperçu exclusif de...

15 September 2021
15 min

Ep. 2 – La caduta del Muro di Berlino — La mia domanda ad Angela Merkel

Dopo aver approfondito le sue origini nell'episodio precedente, Emilia passa a indagare su cosa stesse combinando Angela tra i 20 e i 30 anni. Scopriamo come...

15 September 2021
19 min

Ep. 2 – The Fall of the Berlin Wall and Angie at the sauna – My question to Angela Merkel

After having delved into her origins in the previous episode, Emilia moves on to investigate what Angela was up to in her late 20s and her...

17 September 2021
17 min

Ep. 1 – Bebé Merkel, Angie Kasner – Mi pregunta a Angela Merkel

En este episodio, Emilia se embarca en la búsqueda de la pregunta perfecta para hacer a Angela Merkel centrándose en sus antecedentes. Conocemos detalles de su...

20 September 2021
15 min

Ep. 1 – Hola, frontera – Sueños de agua y sal

Marruecos. 2019. Niña de 18 años. Una puerta cerrada. Y un vuelo hacia adelante.

Nahla corre hacia el mar para ahogar sus pensamientos. En su mente...

20 September 2021
18 min

Ep. 2 – Aguas sucias – Sueños de agua y sal

Ni España ni Europa son ajenas a la Mutilación Genital Femenina. La globalización y especialmente el fenómeno migratorio que venimos viviendo en las últimas décadas nos...

20 September 2021
21 min

Ep. 3 – El desamarre – Sueños de agua y sal

Tres hermanos amarran su barco en un puerto de la costa española, el escenario que consideran oportuno para comentar el pasado de la camarera que les...

21 September 2021
16 min

Ep. 2 –  La caída del Muro — Mi pregunta a Angela Merkel

Tras explicarnos sus antecedentes en el episodio anterior, Emilia pasa a investigar qué hacía Angela entre los 20 y los 30 años. Descubrimos cómo la señorita...

21 September 2021
23 min

Ep. 3 – Minister Angie – My question to Angela Merkel

In the previous episodes Emilia has told us all about Angela Merkel’s youth. It is now time to discover her complex relationship with feminism and to...

21 September 2021
20 min

Ep. 3 – Ministre Merkel — Ma question à Angela Merkel

Dans les épisodes précédents, Emilia nous a tout dit de la jeunesse d'Angela Merkel. Il est désormais temps de découvrir la relation complexe qu'elle entretient avec...

21 September 2021
21 min

Ep. 3 – Angela, il Ministro — La mia domanda ad Angela Merkel

Negli episodi precedenti, Emilia ci ha detto tutto sulla gioventù di Angela Merkel. Ora è il momento di scoprire il suo complesso rapporto con il femminismo...

23 September 2021
24 min

Ep. 3 –  Ministra Merkel — Mi pregunta a Angela Merkel

En el tercer episodio de la serie "Mi pregunta a Angela Merkel", Emilia investiga sobre la relación que mantiene Angela Merkel con el feminismo y recopila...

28 September 2021
19 min

Ep. 4 – La killer manuseta — La mia domanda ad Angela Merkel

Dopo aver trattato la gioventù di Angela Merkel e l'inizio della sua carriera politica, Emilia passa a raccontarci di come Helmut Kohl abbia aperto molte porte...

28 September 2021
18 min

Ep. 4 –  Angela Merkel, une tueuse au sang froid — Ma question à Angela Merkel

Après avoir abordé la jeunesse d'Angela Merkel et le début de sa carrière politique, Emilia nous racontera comment Helmut Kohl a ouvert de nombreuses portes à...

28 September 2021
20 min

Ep. 4 – Angela Merkel, the Snow White Killer – My question to Angela Merkel

With Angela Merkel’s youth and the beginning of her political career already covered, Emilia will move on to tell us about Helmut Kohl opening many doors...

29 September 2021
15 min

Ep. 1 – La partenza – Fermata Nanterre

Il primo episodio di Fermata Nanterre racconta la storia di Brahim Benaicha e del suo arrivo in Francia nel 1955. Originario di Guemar, una cittadina nella...

29 September 2021
16 min

Ep. 2 – La bidonville – Fermata Nanterre

Il secondo episodio di Fermata Nanterre racconta la storia di Ahmed Djamai, nato e cresciuto nelle bidonvilles che per anni hanno circondato la capitale francese. Suo...

29 September 2021
16 min

Ep. 3 – La cité – Fermata Nanterre

Il terzo episodio di Fermata Nanterre continua con la storia di Ahmed Djamai, a cui viene promesso un tetto come alternativa alla baracca dove ha vissuto...

30 September 2021
19 min

Ep. 4 –  Angela Merkel, una asesina de sangre fría — Mi pregunta a Angela Merkel

Tras descubrir la juventud de Angela Merkel y el inicio de su carrera política, Emilia pasará a contarnos cómo Helmut Kohl le abrió muchas puertas a...

5 October 2021
11 min

Folge 1 – Spurensuche – Biometrie Made In Europe

Die EU fördert den Aufbau von biometrischen Datenbanken in westafrikanischen Ländern. NGOs unterstellen der EU-Kommission, nicht das Wohl der Menschen vor Ort im Blick zu haben,...

5 October 2021
10 min

Folge 2 – Senegal – Biometrie Made In Europe

Die EU-Projektgelder für den Ausbau von biometrischen Datenbanken fließen auch nach Senegal. Der IT-Chef der senegalesischen Gesundheitsbehörde erklärt uns: Es gibt dort schon Identitäts-Datenbanken, wozu braucht...

5 October 2021
14 min

Folge 3 – Imperiale Traditionen – Biometrie Made In Europe

Wie kam die Biometrie nach Afrika? Wir einen Abstecher, und zwar zur ersten großen Datenbank mit Fingerabdrücken auf dem Kontinent - nach Südafrika im Jahr 1900....

5 October 2021
16 min

Ep. 5 – Traité de Lisbonne, Traité d’Angie ? — Ma question à Angela Merkel

Emilia nous a déjà raconté la jeunesse de Merkel et le début de sa carrière politique, notamment ses années en tant que Ministre et chef de...

5 October 2021
16 min

Ep. 5 – Trattato di Lisbona o Trattato di Angela? — La mia domanda ad Angela Merkel

Emilia ci ha già detto tutto sulla gioventù della Merkel e sull'inizio della sua carriera politica, compresi gli anni da Ministro e leader dell'opposizione. Ora è...

5 October 2021
17 min

Ep. 5 – Lisbon Treaty, Angie’s Treaty? —My question to Angela Merkel

Emilia already told us all about Merkel’s youth and the beginning of her political career, including her years as Minister and leader of the opposition. Now,...

7 October 2021
17 min

Ep. 5 –  Tratado de Lisboa, Tratado de Angie? — Mi pregunta a Angela Merkel

Emilia ya nos ha contado todo sobre la juventud de Merkel y el comienzo de su carrera política, incluyendo sus años como Ministra y líder de...

11 October 2021
21 min

Ep. 4 – Marejada – Sueños de agua y sal

Sueños de agua y sal es una serie de podcast inspirada en cinco historias reales de mujeres que han tenido que migrar a España por diferentes...

13 October 2021
14 min

Ep. 6 – La crisi finanziaria e Angela: l’europeismo riluttante — La mia domanda ad Angela Merkel

Emilia ci ha già detto tutto sulla gioventù della Merkel e ha ripercorso ogni passo della sua carriera politica fino al ruolo che ha giocato nel...

13 October 2021
15 min

Ep. 6 – Financial Crash and Angie: the Reluctant European — My question to Angela Merkel

Emilia already told us all about Merkel’s youth and retraced every step of her political career up until the role she played in closing the deal...

13 October 2021
13 min

Ep. 6 – Angie et la crise financière: l’européenne récalcitrante — Ma question à Angela Merkel

Emilia nous a déjà parlé de la jeunesse d'Angela Merkel et a retracé chaque étape de sa carrière politique jusqu'au rôle qu'elle a joué dans la...

18 October 2021
14 min

Ep. 4 – Le torri – Fermata Nanterre

Il quarto episodio di Fermata Nanterre racconta la storia di Wahid e Mohamed, due abitanti della Cité Picasso. A pochi passi dal quartiere finanziario della Défense,...

18 October 2021
14 min

Ep. 6 –  Angie y la crisis financiera: una europea reacia? — Mi pregunta a Angela Merkel

Emilia ya nos habló de la juventud de Merkel y recorrió cada paso de su carrera política hasta el papel que desempeñó en el cierre del...

19 October 2021
16 min

Ep. 1 – Day Zero – The Water Series

Water. You turn on the tap and there it is. But what if it runs out? In this episode of the Water Series, we’ll learn about...

20 October 2021
20 min

Ep. 7 – Pourquoi si austère, Angie ? — Ma question à Angela Merkel

Nous savons maintenant tout de la vie et de la carrière politique d'Angela Merkel, jusqu'à sa réaction au krach financier de 2008. Dans cet épisode, nous...

20 October 2021
22 min

Ep. 7 – L’austerità fatta persona — La mia domanda ad Angela Merkel

Ormai sappiamo tutto della vita e della carriera politica della Merkel fino a come ha reagito al crollo finanziario del 2008. In questo episodio, ci troveremo...

20 October 2021
22 min

Ep. 7 – What’s with the Austerity Angie? — My question to Angela Merkel

By now we know all about Merkel’s life and political career up until how she reacted to the financial crash of 2008. In this episode, we...

22 October 2021
16 min

Folge 4 – Côte d’Ivoire – Biometrie Made In Europe

In Abidjan reden wir mit Leuten auf der Straße, mit einem Datenschutzexperten und der Zivilgesellschaft. Seit Jahren gibt es einen neuen Personalausweis, aber viele Menschen haben...

25 October 2021
20 min

Ep. 5 – Donde rompen las olas – Sueños de agua y sal

Sueños de agua y sal es una serie de podcast inspirada en cinco historias reales de mujeres que han tenido que migrar a España por diferentes...

25 October 2021
21 min

Ep. 7 – ¿Por qué tan austera Angie? — Mi pregunta a Angela Merkel

Emilia ya nos ha dicho todos los detalles de la vida y la carrera política de Merkel hasta su reacción a la crisis de la deuda...

27 October 2021
20 min

Ep. 8 – Angie says « Wir schaffen das » and the extremes go mad — My question to Angela Merkel

Emilia has already delved into every detail of Merkel’s life and political career up until her reaction to the Greek sovereign debt crisis. As we will...

27 October 2021
19 min

Ep. 8 – Una cauta accoglienza — La mia domanda ad Angela Merkel

Emilia ha già approfondito ogni dettaglio della vita e della carriera politica della Merkel fino alla sua reazione alla crisi del debito sovrano greco. Come scopriremo...

27 October 2021
18 min

Ep. 8 – Angie dit “Wir Schaffen Das” et les extrêmes s’affolent — Ma question à Angela Merkel

Emilia s'est déjà penchée sur tous les détails de la vie et de la carrière politique de Merkel jusqu'à sa réaction à la crise de la...

2 November 2021
14 min

Ep. 5 – Gli scatoloni – Fermata Nanterre

L’episodio 5 di Fermata Nanterre racconta la storia di Mabrouka Lahbairi. Mabrouka è l’ultima inquilina ad aver lasciato la sua cité de transit, la Cité des...

3 November 2021
20 min

Ep. 8 – “Wir schaffen das” y los extremos pierden la cabeza! — Mi pregunta a Angela Merkel

Emilia ya nos ha dicho todos los detalles de la vida y la carrera política de Merkel hasta su reacción a la crisis de la deuda...

3 November 2021
23 min

Ep. 9 – Angie, leader de l’Europe et du monde libre ? — Ma question à Angela Merkel

Nous savons maintenant tout de la vie et de la carrière politique d'Angela Merkel jusqu'à son fameux "Wir schaffen das !". Dans cet épisode, Emilia nous...

3 November 2021
25 min

Ep. 9 – Una leader liberale in un mondo di populisti — La mia domanda ad Angela Merkel

Ormai sappiamo tutto della vita e della carriera politica di Angela Merkel fino al suo famoso "Wir schaffen das!". Ora Emilia ci racconterà della retromarcia della...

3 November 2021
26 min

Ep. 9 – This is a dog’s world — My question to Angela Merkel

By now we know all about Angela Merkel’s life and political career up until her famous “Wir schaffen das!”. Now Emilia will tell us all about...

5 November 2021
10 min

Folge 5 – 25 Millionen – Biometrie Made In Europe

Wir reden über ein Dokument, dass die EU und Côte d’Ivoire unterzeichnet haben - und dass die EU nicht veröffentlichen will. Dann geht es um eine...

5 November 2021
18 min

Ep. 2 – Water as a Resource – The Water Series

It is not uncommon to hear that someone is a fan of Leonardo DiCaprio, but hearing that Leonardo DiCaprio is someone else's fan - now, that...

8 November 2021
27 min

Ep. 9 –  Angie, líder de Europa y del mundo libre? — Mi pregunta a Angela Merkel

A estas alturas ya sabemos todo sobre la vida y la carrera política de Angela Merkel hasta su famoso "¡Wir schaffen das!". Ahora Emilia nos contará...

11 November 2021
19 min

Ep. 10 – Angie and us — My question to Angela Merkel

The journey is about to end. Emilia has already walked us through the most pivotal moments of Angela Merkel’s life and political career, including her reaction...

11 November 2021
20 min

Ep. 10 –  Angie e noi — La mia domanda ad Angela Merkel

Il viaggio sta per finire. Emilia ci ha già guidato attraverso i momenti più cruciali della vita e della carriera politica di Angela Merkel, compresa la...

11 November 2021
20 min

Ep. 10 –  Angie y nosotros — Mi pregunta a Angela Merkel

El viaje está a punto de terminar. Emilia ya ha hecho un recorrido por los momentos más cruciales de la vida y la carrera política de...

11 November 2021
17 min

Ep. 10 – Angie et nous — Ma question à Angela Merkel

Le voyage est sur le point de se terminer. Emilia nous a déjà fait revivre les moments les plus marquants de la vie et de la...

15 November 2021
15 min

Ep. 6 – Il ritorno – Fermata Nanterre

Il sesto episodio di Fermata Nanterre racconta la storia di Yasmine Djamai. Yasmine, 19 anni, è una studentessa e fa parte di quelle che chiamiamo terze...

17 November 2021
12 min

Folge 6 – Die EU – Biometrie Made In Europe

Zurück nach Europa. Wir reden mit der Europaabgeordneten Michèle Rivasi, die für das Parlament kontrolliert hat, wie EUTF-Gelder ausgegeben wurden. Und dann wenden wir uns mit...

17 November 2021
12 min

Ep. 11 – Bonus Episode – Interview with Jean-Claude Juncker — My question to Angela Merkel

They are both monsters of European political longevity. Jean-Claude Juncker, former President of the European Commission, answered EuroPod’s questions on Angela Merkel's career and legacy. You...

17 November 2021
14 min

Ep. 11 – Episode Bonus – Interview de Jean-Claude Juncker — Ma question à Angela Merkel

Ils sont, l’un et l’autre, deux monstres de longévité politique européenne. Jean-Claude Juncker, ancien président de la Commission Européenne, a répondu aux questions d’EuroPod sur la...

17 November 2021
14 min

Ep. 11 –  Episodio Bonus – Intervista a Jean-Claude Juncker — La mia domanda ad Angela Merkel

Sono entrambi dei mostri della longevità politica europea. Jean-Claude Juncker, ex presidente della Commissione europea, ha risposto alle domande di EuroPod sulla carriera e l'eredità di...

18 November 2021
12 min

Ep. 11 –  Episodio extra: Jean-Claude Juncker — Mi pregunta a Angela Merkel

Jean-Claude Juncker: “Existía en Angela Merkel una especie de automatismo europeo naciente” Tanto el uno como el otro son dos monstruos de longevidad política europea. Jean...

24 November 2021
45 min

Ep. 6 – El Faro – Sueños de agua y sal

En el último capítulo de Sueños de agua y sal escuchamos las voces de las personas que han guiado a los protagonistas hasta su destino.


24 November 2021
28 min

Ep. 12 – Bonus episode by Crisis Group: German Foreign Policy After Merkel — My question to Angela Merkel

This episode bonus of "my question to Angela Merkel" is part of the series War & Peace, by the International Crisis Group, EuroPod's partner.
After sixteen...

29 November 2021
21 min

Ep. 3 – Water as a Human Right – The Water Series

Is there a human right to water? Water was first regulated in the Ancient Babylon 3700 years ago. Nonetheless, water as a human right appears to...

1 December 2021
19 min

Ep. 12 –  Episodio Bonus – Intervista a Alexis Tsipras — La mia domanda ad Angela Merkel

Alexis Tsipras: "Angela Merkel non è riuscita a rendere l'Europa meno tedesca, ma ha cercato di rendere la Germania più europea".
In questo episodio bonus di...

1 December 2021
19 min

Ep. 13 – Bonus Episode: Interview with Alexis Tsipras — My question to Angela Merkel

Alexis Tsipras: "Angela Merkel did not succeed in making Europe less German but she tried to make Germany more European."
In this bonus episode of my...

1 December 2021
17 min

Ep. 12 – Episode bonus: Interview d’Alexis Tsipras— Ma question à Angela Merkel

Alexis Tsipras: "Angela Merkel n'a pas réussi à rendre l'Europe moins allemande mais elle a essayé de rendre l'Allemagne plus européenne"
Dans cet épisode bonus de...

1 December 2021
19 min

Ep. 12 –  Episodio extra: Alexis Tsipras — Mi pregunta a Angela Merkel

Alexis Tsipras: "Angela Merkel no logró hacer que Europa fuera menos alemana, pero trató de hacer que Alemania fuera más europea." En este capítulo extra de...

8 December 2021
20 min

Ep. 4 – Water, War and Peace – The Water Series

Water is unevenly distributed around the world. Large portions of the world receive very little water from rainfall or rivers relative to their population. Over time,...

21 December 2021
25 min

Ep. 5 – Water & Migration – The Water Series

When countries face existential threats or are economically less developed, their capacity for adapting to the increasing intensity of water-related events is generally low. Declining livelihood...

22 December 2021
16 min

Ep. 6 – Water & Space – The Water Series

What happens if we run out of clean drinking water on Earth? Could we go to outer space to find some? Is there even water in...

24 January 2022
15 min

Ep. 1 – A dream destination was born – Hypertourismos

How did Santorini get here? How did this once small and quiet island become the host of millions of tourists every year?

Sharing their archives and...

26 January 2022
33 min

Ep. 1 – Éco-construction : l’habitat dans tous ses états – EUtopia

Comment construit-on de quoi loger tous les résidents d’une communauté autonome ? Quels matériaux, quelles techniques de construction employer, pour allier respect de l’humain et de...

26 January 2022
19 min

Ep. 1 – Un Misterio Familiar – La Abuela de las Tres Guerras

Una abuela viendo las noticias en ruso. Un muro. Una niña cantando en francés, sin saber por qué su madre hablaba francés. Un micro. Una nieta...

27 January 2022
20 min

Ep. 1 – Il decennio dell’AI con Alec Ross – Back To The Future Of AI

Alec Ross ci spiega il ruolo dell'Intelligenza Artificiale nei “Furiosi Anni Venti” che stiamo vivendo. Esperto di politiche tecnologiche, Ross è stato consulente di Hillary Clinton...

28 January 2022
33 min

Ep. 1 – Historia narkotyków w pigułce – Substancje (nie)kontrolowane

Każdego dnia w Polsce zatrzymuje się 80 osób za posiadanie substancji psychoaktywnych, głównie marihuany. Nierzadko są to sprawy o 0,5 – 1 grama. Skąd wziął się...

31 January 2022
16 min

Ep. 2 – Santorini is a whore – Hypertourismos

“Everyone will get something from her, but no one will love her.” As tourist arrivals keep growing and attain dramatic numbers, the quality of life on...

31 January 2022
37 min

Ep. 2 – Alimentation : les voies de l’agriculture vertueuse – EUtopia

Comment atteindre l’autonomie alimentaire ? Quel modèle agricole peut permettre à une communauté autonome d’approcher l’autosuffisance ? Des techniques comme l’agroécologie et la permaculture sont-elles viables,...

1 February 2022
17 min

Ep. 1 – Aufwachsen in einer überwachten Welt – Überwacht

Überwachung - darum dreht sich dieser ganze Podcast, aber was ist das eigentlich? Gemeinsam werden wir in dieser ersten Folge eine Reise in die Vergangenheit machen,...

2 February 2022
16 min

Ep. 2 – Una Madre Atípica – La Abuela de las Tres Guerras

Una niña de once años reencontrándose con sus padres después de nueve años. Una madre atípica. Unas sábanas manchadas de pis colgadas en la ventana de...

3 February 2022
21 min

Ep. 2 – Il Rinascimento Tech con Elisa Serafini, AI Play e Alessia Moltani – Back To The Future Of AI

L'introduzione dell'Intelligenza Artificiale segna un “prima” e un “dopo” per le aziende. Secondo qualcuno è la nuova rivoluzione industriale, per i critici c'è il rischio di...

4 February 2022
29 min

Ep. 2 – American scream – Substancje (nie)kontrolowane

W drugim odcinku przyjrzymy się USA, które eksportowało swoją politykę narkotykową na cały świat. Usłyszycie też o tym, jak marihuana stała się wrogiem nr 1 i...

7 February 2022
12 min

Ep. 3 – The art of killing what you love – Hypertourismos

What’s the actual impact of over-tourism on the environment of Santorini? 

In this episode, activists, politicians and locals sound the alarm on the disaster created with...

8 February 2022
29 min

Ep. 2 – Überwacht von Social Media? – Überwacht

Gerade in unserer Generation sind soziale Netzwerke präsenter denn je. Genau deswegen wollen wir ihnen gleich zu Beginn eine ganze Folge widmen. Gemeinsam mit Datenschutzexperten Georg...

9 February 2022
19 min

Ep. 3 – Vida Clandestina – La Abuela de las Tres Guerras

Un grupo de policías llamando a la puerta de una casa en París en mitad de la noche. Un padre estricto. Una bisnieta consultando los Archivos...

10 February 2022
23 min

Ep. 3 – EU vs. AI con Giulia Pastorella, Melissa Heikkilä e Paola Manes – Back To The Future Of AI

European Union vs. Artificial Intelligence. Come si sta muovendo l'Unione Europea sull'intelligenza artificiale? Lo “Artificial Intelligence Act” dell'UE spiegato nei dettagli dalla professoressa dell'Università di Bologna,...

11 February 2022
41 min

Ep. 3 – Głos ulicy – Substancje (nie)kontrolowane

W trzecim odcinku przyjrzymy się niemieckiej polityce narkotykowej – odwiedzimy berlińskich dilerów, którzy od lat handlują narkotykami w Görlitzer Parku. Jak to możliwe, że od 20...

16 February 2022
19 min

Ep. 4 – Un Sueño Frustrado – La Abuela de las Tres Guerras

Una joven viajando a la Unión Soviética para cumplir su sueño de estudiar física nuclear. Un paraíso en ruinas. Un hombre sentado en un autobús sin...

17 February 2022
22 min

Ep. 4 – Cyberwar will (not) take place con Mariangela Pira e Stefano Zanero – Back To The Future Of AI

L'intelligenza artificiale ha applicazioni militari fin dai tempi di Alan Turing, uno dei suoi padri. Oggi è decisiva nella cybersicurezza, sta orientando e orienterà sempre di...

17 February 2022
16 min

Ep. 4 – Typical Greekness – Hypertourismos

What happened to authenticity? When people start comparing some areas of Santorini with Disneyland, it is not a good sign.

This episode is about the impact...

17 February 2022
36 min

Ep. 3 – Ressources : sobriété et inventivité énergétique – EUtopia

Comment atteindre l’auto-suffisance énergétique ? Quel rapport peuvent entretenir la technologie et l’écologie au travers des énergies renouvelables ? Quels sont les atouts et les contraintes...

19 February 2022
36 min

Ep. 4 – Économie: le choix de la résilience – EUtopia

Comment partager équitablement les biens, les ressources et les services, dans le cadre d’une communauté autonome ? Le travail doit-il être rémunéré ou fonctionner sur la...

21 February 2022
38 min

Ep. 5 – Culture: penser la place des arts – EUtopia

Quelle relation les communautés autonomes entretiennent-elles avec les arts ? Quels rapports peuvent unir culture et écologie ? S’agit-il de répliquer la culture telle qu’on la...

23 February 2022
16 min

Ep. 5 – Who even cares? – Hypertourismos

In this episode, we talk about responsibility. Who should act to save Santorini? What are politicians doing? Who even cares?

When activists are doing most of...

23 February 2022
21 min

Ep. 5 – Patria y Desarraigo – La Abuela de las Tres Guerras

Una familia pisando su país tras décadas de exilio. Una patria exótica. Un grupo de españoles emocionados alrededor de un paquete que acaba de llegar de...

24 February 2022
22 min

Ep. 5 – NFT e Arte nel Metaverso con Alice Barale e Andrea Daniele Signorelli – Back To The Future Of AI

Quella degli NFT è una bolla? Questo episodio fa per voi sia se sapete sciogliere questa sigla sia se ignorate il significato di blockchain. Il collezionismo...

24 February 2022
27 min

Ep. 3 – Überwachung als Profitquelle? – Überwacht

Große Internetkonzerne können durch den Besitz unserer Daten, Tag für Tag milliardenschwere Einnahmen generieren. Aber wie steht es um Daten als Profitquelle für Privatpersonen? Ob und...

25 February 2022
14 min

Ep. 4 – Überwachung als politischer Machtausdruck? – Überwacht

Staatliche Überwachung hat eine lange Geschichte, aber wie intensiv überwacht uns der Staat heute noch? Gemeinsam mit ORF-Korrespondenten Josef Dollinger und dem ehemaligen russischen Journalisten Vasily...

28 February 2022
22 min

Ep. 6 – Il futuro dell’AI è etico? Con don Luca Peyron e Regina Rini – Back To The Future Of AI

Esiste un’etica dell’intelligenza artificiale? Che rapporto avrà l’intelligenza artificiale con le religioni e come conviveremo con lei nel futuro? Ne parliamo con don Luca Peyron, fondatore...

28 February 2022
19 min

Ep. 6 – Should we stop travelling? – Hypertourismos

After five episodes focusing on Santorini, I now take a step back and take a look at overtourism on a European scale.

Dr. Antonio Paolo Russo...

28 February 2022
25 min

Ep. 5 – Überwachung – die Geheimwaffe in der Terrorbekämpfung? – Überwacht

Oftmals wird Überwachung als Maßnahme der Terrorismusbekämpfung oder Kriminalitätsprävention legitimiert. Wir wollen diese Folge herausfinden, was an solchen Rechtfertigungen dran ist. Dafür haben wir mit den...

28 February 2022
16 min

Ep. 6 – Perspektiven der Überwachung – Überwacht

In der letzten Episode der Podcast-Serie wollen wir anhand von Investigativjournalismus und Gesundheitsüberwachung erkunden, was Überwachung Positives für die Gesellschaft beitragen kann. Außerdem werden wir gemeinsam...

28 February 2022
40 min

Ep. 6 – Politique: habiter un laboratoire des possibles – EUtopia

Comment et par qui sont produites les lois - quand il y en a - qui régissent les communautés autonomes ? De quelle manière sont gérés...

28 February 2022
21 min

Ep. 6 – La Memoria – La Abuela de las Tres Guerras

Una mujer viajando a Berlín por amor. Unas navidades tristes. Una abuela compartiendo su pasado con su nieta. Un bautizo. Una mujer preguntándose quién tiene razón...

28 February 2022
24 min

Ep. 4 – Narkotykowa przemoc się opłaca – Substancje (nie)kontrolowane

Pomimo intensywnych działań organów ścigania przestępczość narkotykowa stale się rozwija – w Europie i na Świecie coraz więcej zabójstw i przemocy związanych jest właśnie z nielegalnym...

1 March 2022
39 min

Ep. 5 – Narkotykowa przemoc się opłaca – Substancje (nie)kontrolowane

Postęp technologiczny rewolucjonizuje nasz świat, w tym świat polityki narkotykowej. Narkotyki coraz częściej i coraz łatwiej można kupić poprzez nielegalne markety internetowe albo za pomocą powszechnie...

27 July 2022
26 min

Ep. 1 – Biggest Dutch Farmers Protests in Decades – Europe Talks Back

Over the past few weeks, Dutch farmers have been taking to the streets of their country. They are in revolt against their government's plan to reduce...

4 August 2022
24 min

Ep. 2 – Greece Criminalizes the Work of NGOs – Europe Talks Back

During the month of June, Mary Lawlor, the UN Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders, went on a 10-day long mission to Greece. At the end of...

10 August 2022
25 min

Ep. 3 – Depopulation is Causing Wildfires in Europe – Europe Talks Back

As Europe is seeing intense and unprecedented heatwaves, with temperatures spiking above 40 degrees, huge wildfires are raging across several countries in the region. Thousands of...

17 August 2022
18 min

Ep. 4 – One of the Worst Cases of Gentrification – Europe Talks Back

The housing crisis in Lisbon is caused by one of the worst cases of rapid, violent gentrification. Lured by programs to attract foreign investment, new real...

24 August 2022
28 min

Ep. 5 – Resistance Against Data Centers in the Netherlands – Europe Talks Back

The Netherlands is one of the top data center markets in Europe, hosting approximately 200 facilities such as Google and Microsoft hyperscale data centers which exceed...

1 September 2022
25 min

Ep. 6 – Teachers Protest in Hungary – Europe Talks Back

In the past months, teachers in Hungary have been on strike, protesting against a public educational system which, as they say, risks collapse. What teachers complain...

8 September 2022
23 min

Ep. 7 – “Only Yes Means Yes” Law Approved in Spain – Europe Talks Back

Trigger warning: Rape

Sex without consent is rape. Yet, according to the NGO, Amnesty International, in Europe, only 13 countries, feature laws, that define rape, in...

15 September 2022
21 min

Ep. 8 – Belgrade Bans EuroPride – Europe Talks Back

On September 13, 2022, Serbian authorities banned the iconic EuroPride march, which was supposed to take place next Saturday in the country’s capital, Belgrade.

The march...

22 September 2022
19 min

Ep. 9 – The Italian elections and the rise of Giorgia Meloni – Europe Talks Back

After a hectic electoral campaign running over the Summer, this weekend, Italian citizens are called to the ballot boxes to elect a new Parliament. Pundits see...

29 September 2022
19 min

Ep. 10 – Modern sexism in Europe – Europe Talks Back

Over the past few months and years, across Europe, far-right parties have gained electoral support. From recent elections in Italy and Sweden, to France, Germany, Spain,...

5 October 2022
5 min

Ep. 1 – “C’est là que je l’ai trouvé” – Déconnecté.e.s en 2050

La journée d’Ezra commence comme d’habitude. Jyn, son assistante virtuelle, l’accompagne dans l’essentiel de ses actions dans le metavers Infinity. Mais lorsque ses lunettes Infinity se cassent,...

6 October 2022
6 min

Ep. 1 – “That’s when I found it.” – Disconnected in 2050

Ezra’s day starts off normal in the dystopian future of 2050. As usual, her artificially intelligent virtual assistant named Jyn guides Ezra through another day connected...

6 October 2022
22 min

Ep. 11 – The Cost of Living Crisis in Ireland – Europe Talks Back

The War on Ukraine has provoked rising inflation across Europe. For many people, this implied: rising costs to heat homes, buy food, pay for services.  
It’s what...

7 October 2022
6 min

Ep. 2 – “They seized everything and now they’re coming for us.” – Disconnected in 2050

Ezra gets her new Infinity glasses and Jyn is ready to guide her through life as usual, but Ezra can’t shake the feeling that something is...

7 October 2022
6 min

Ep. 2 – “Ils ont tout saisi, et maintenant ils sont après nous.” – Déconnecté.e.s en 2050

Ezra reçoit ses nouvelles lunettes Infinity et Jyn la guide dans sa vie de tous les jours, comme elle le fait d’habitude. Mais Ezra ne peut...

13 October 2022
17 min

Ep. 12 –  Bulgaria’s two year long political deadlock — Europe Talks Back

In the Summer of 2020, mass protests shook Bulgaria: citizens were calling for a stop to endless corruption. And a change in the political system. Since...

13 October 2022
7 min

Ep. 3 –  “On sait que l’on est surveillés et pourtant…” — Déconnecté.e.s en 2050

En s'enfonçant plus profondément dans le terrier du lapin, Ezra commence à comprendre ce qui se cache derrière le mystère. Alors qu'elle tente de trouver des réponses,...

13 October 2022
8 min

Ep. 3 –  “We know we are being monitored and yet…” — Disconnected in 2050

Driving deeper into the rabbit hole, Ezra begins to understand who exactly is behind the mystery. While Ezra tries to find answers, she finds new information...

20 October 2022
4 min

Ep. 4 –  “Je crois que ceci vous appartient.” —Déconnecté.é.s en 2050

Ezra fait un pas en avant vers l'inconnu. Elle quitte sa maison pour la deuxième fois seulement depuis des mois, déterminée à découvrir qui est Adrien...

20 October 2022
5 min

Ep. 4 –  “I believe this belongs to you” — Disconnected in 2050

Ezra takes a step forward into the unknown. She leaves her house for only the second time in months, determined to find out who Adrien is...

20 October 2022
24 min

Ep. 13 –  The fight for the access to safe abortions in Hungary — Europe Talks Back

Requesting an abortion in Europe is legal in most countries. Yet, even if ending a pregnancy is not banned, accessing this right is not always guaranteed. 

27 October 2022
10 min

Ep. 5 –  “Entrer dans une nouvelle ère : l’ère d’Infinity.” — Déconnecté.é.s en 2050

Ezra commence à entrevoir le fin voile de mensonges qu'elle avait sous les yeux depuis le début. L’histoire que lui raconte Adrien l’oblige à remettre en...

27 October 2022
23 min

Ep. 14 –  News consumption on social media and distrust in institutions — Europe Talks Back

Eurofound, the EU agency providing knowledge to assist in the development of better social, employment and work-related policies, released the results of an EU wide survey...

27 October 2022
11 min

Ep. 5 –  “Entering the new era: the era of Infinity.” — Disconnected in 2050

Ezra starts to see the thin web of lies that has been in front of her the whole time. As Adrien begins telling his story, everything...

3 November 2022
29 min

Ep. 2 —  What does it take to defend educational freedom? With László Miklósi, Association of History Teachers — Freedom in Hungary

The level of freedom of a society can be measured quite solidly by the attitude of institutions towards education. And, more specifically, towards the teaching of history. “History...

3 November 2022
8 min

Ep. 6 – “Stay safe Ezra” — Disconnected in 2050

Adrien's story changes Ezra's worldview. Ezra enters her very distinctive rabbit hole.

3 November 2022
7 min

Ep. 6 –  “Soyez prudente Ezra” — Déconnecté.é.s en 2050

L'histoire d'Adrien change la vision du monde d'Ezra. Ezra entre dans le terrier de lapin.

3 November 2022

Ep. 15 –  The fight against disinformation in Europe — Europe Talks Back

In October this year, the social media giant META, took down a Russian network of social media accounts spreading disinformation on the War on Ukraine. META says...

10 November 2022
23 min

Ep. 16 — What the death of Blessing Matthew tells us about the Franco-Italian border — Europe Talks Back

On May 9, 2018, as many European citizens were celebrating Europe Day, the dead body of a young black woman was found in the French river...

10 November 2022
7 min

Ep. 7 –  “Nothing was the same anymore” — Disconnected in 2050

Ezra tries going back to her normal life, but she can’t stop thinking about what she just learned. She knows too much and must hide her...

10 November 2022
7 min

Ep. 7 –  “Rien n’est plus pareil.” — Déconnecté.é.s en 2050

Ezra essaie de reprendre sa vie normale, mais elle ne peut s'empêcher de penser à tout ce qu'elle vient d'apprendre. Elle en sait désormais trop et...

17 November 2022
20 min

Ep. 17 — Madrid rises up for public healthcare — Europe Talks Back

Spain is one of the healthiest countries in the European Union. It has the longest life expectancy, and its public healthcare service is worldwide recognised. However, the...

17 November 2022
9 min

Ep. 8 –  “La première fois” — Déconnecté.é.s en 2050

Ezra, qui supporte de moins en moins sa situation, sort pour la première fois de chez elle sans ses appareils Infinity. Elle part ensuite à la...

17 November 2022
8 min

Ep. 8 –  “The first time” — Disconnected in 2050

Ezra, who is becoming less and less comfortable with her situation, leaves her house for the first time without her Infinity devices. She then goes in...

17 November 2022
22 min

Ep. 3 —  Freeing a generation and Hungary from apathy. With Lili Mihalics (Students for Teachers) — Freedom in Hungary

What do today's younger generations living in Hungary think about freedom? How much do they value it, how much are they willing to do for it, and...

24 November 2022
10 min

Ep. 9 –  “My Name is Ezra” — Disconnected in 2050

Ezra doesn't find Cy but meets up with Adrien and a group of disconnected people in a hidden bar for what looks like the beginnings of...

24 November 2022
10 min

Ep. 9 –  “Je m’appelle Ezra” — Déconnecté.é.s en 2050

Ezra ne trouve pas Cy mais retrouve Adrien et un groupe de disconnecté.e.s dans un bar clandestin, pour ce que s'apparente aux prémices de la résistance...

24 November 2022
24 min

Ep. 18 — Will the Women on Boards Directive finally break the glass ceiling?— Europe Talks Back

According to Eurostat, 229 million women live in the EU. That’s 4.6% more than men. However, fewer women make it to the top of society.  When it...

1 December 2022
7 min

Ep. 10 –  “Ici Grounded” — Déconnecté.é.s en 2050

Ezra saute définitivement le pas. Grounded hack Infintiy. La résistance débute.

1 December 2022
21 min

Ep. 19 — Post-Brexit UK: no country for Black Europeans?— Europe Talks Back

Brexit has made the headlines of the European and British press for years. However, today, the relationship between the UK and the EU is less of...

2 December 2022
8 min

Ep. 10 –  “Grounded, here.” — Disconnected in 2050

Ezra is definitely taking the plunge. Grounded hacks Infinity. The resistance begins.

9 December 2022
22 min

Ep. 20 — How to Boycott the 2022 FIFA World Cup on Human Rights Day — Europe Talks Back

The 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar has been making the headlines for weeks now. Just, not really or only for the rolling ball and iconic...

19 December 2022
21 min

Ep. 21 — It’s a wrap! Looking back at Europe Talks Back in 2022 — Europe Talks Back

In this episode, host Alexander Damiano Ricci and editor Maria Dios look back at the production of Europe Talks Back episodes in 2022. They revisit some...

10 January 2023
13 min

Ep. 1 — The ivory tower — Exploring Citizen Science

Alexander introduces himself and explains why his name is on the podcast: he shares the widespread criticism of academia and scientists through the "ivory tower" metaphor,...

10 January 2023
28 min

Ep. 2 — Entering the rabbit hole — Exploring Citizen Science

Puzzled by the relevance of citizen science, Alexander calls Alessia Smaniotto - research project manager of COESO. They talk about Alessia’s job and, more generally, about...

10 January 2023
33 min

Ep. 1 — Can you be free in the direst of situations? With Éva Fahidi, Holocaust survivor — Freedom in Hungary

Éva Fahidi is 97 years old. And she is a Holocaust survivor. Éva has lived most of her life in Hungary, under regimes that infringed on...

10 January 2023
30 min

Ep. 4 — Can freedom of the individual and the Catholic Church coexist? With Csaba Török (priest and theologian) — Freedom in Hungary

In this podcast, we talk to Csaba Török, who is a Hungarian Catholic priest, a senior parish priest of the Esztèrgom Cathedral, a theologian and a...

14 February 2023
30 min

Ep. 1 — What #108 is all about — #108 The fall of press freedom in Greece

From 2022, Greece ranks the worst of all EU countries in the RSF ranking for press freedom. Why has it fallen from 70th to 108th out...

15 February 2023
29 min

Ep. 2 — Spying on journalists: Greece’s phone hacking scandal — #108 The fall of press freedom in Greece

Greece is back on the front page of the international media after a significant phone-tapping scandal. The wiretaps were carried out against the journalist investigating financial...

15 February 2023
30 min

Ep. 3 — Behind the death of a journalist: the Karaiwaz case — #108 The fall of press freedom in Greece

Of all the things that prevent a journalist from doing his job, there is only one invincible obstacle. Murder. In Greece, a journalist who covered crime...

15 February 2023
33 min

Ep. 4 — Inside the newsroom: stories of self-censorship — #108 The fall of press freedom in Greece

News manipulation and censorship have been done in many indirect ways, mainly economically. But sometimes, it is crude and overt in Greece: journalists cannot publish what...

15 February 2023
32 min

Ep. 5 — Follow the money: The Petsas’ List — #108 The fall of press freedom in Greece

In the context of COVID-19 and its very special circumstances, the Greek government decided to give a huge amount of money, around 20 million euros, to...

15 February 2023
33 min

Ep. 6 — SLAPPed: journalists against strategic lawsuits — #108 The fall of press freedom in Greece

Very recently, Greece learned the meaning of the term SLAPP, short for Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation. It was not because Greeks read it in a...

15 February 2023
30 min

Ep. 1 — Πώς βρεθήκαμε στη θέση 108 — #108 Η επίθεση στην ελευθερία του Τύπου στην Ελλάδα

Από το 2022, η Ελλάδα κατατάσσεται στη χειρότερη θέση από όλες τις χώρες της ΕΕ στην κατάταξη των Ρεπόρτερ Χωρίς Σύνορα για την ελευθερία του Τύπου....

15 February 2023
24 min

Ep. 2 — Παρακολουθήσεις δημοσιογράφων — #108 Η επίθεση στην ελευθερία του Τύπου στην Ελλάδα

Η Ελλάδα βρέθηκε ξανά στα πρωτοσέλιδα των διεθνών ΜΜΕ μετά από ένα μεγάλο σκάνδαλο τηλεφωνικών υποκλοπών. Η πρώτη παρακολούθηση που έγινε ευρέως γνωστή ήταν σε βάρος...

15 February 2023
34 min

Ep. 3 — Υπόθεση Καραϊβάζ  — #108 Η επίθεση στην ελευθερία του Τύπου στην Ελλάδα

Από όλα αυτά που εμποδίζουν έναν δημοσιογράφο να κάνει τη δουλειά του, υπάρχει μόνο ένα ανίκητο εμπόδιο. Ο θάνατος. Στην Ελλάδα, ένας δημοσιογράφος του αστυνομικού ρεπορτάζ,...

15 February 2023
27 min

Ep. 4 — Ιστορίες από το Newsroom — #108 Η επίθεση στην ελευθερία του Τύπου στην Ελλάδα

Η χειραγώγηση των ειδήσεων και η λογοκρισία γίνονται με πολλούς έμμεσους τρόπους και κυρίως μέσω οικονομικών πιέσεων. Συχνά τα πράγματα δεν μένουν απλώς στη “γραμμή” του...

15 February 2023
31 min

Ep. 5 — Λίστα Πέτσα — #108 Η επίθεση στην ελευθερία του Τύπου στην Ελλάδα

Στο πλαίσιο του COVID-19 και των ειδικών συνθηκών του, η ελληνική κυβέρνηση αποφάσισε να μοιράσει σε Μέσα Ενημέρωσης ένα μεγάλο χρηματικό ποσό - 20 εκατομμυρία ευρώ...

15 February 2023
30 min

Ep. 6 — SLAPP: Κατηγορούμενοι Δημοσιογράφοι — #108 Η επίθεση στην ελευθερία του Τύπου στην Ελλάδα

Δυστυχώς, ο όρος SLAPP - ακρωνύμιο για το Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, στρατηγικές αγωγές δηλαδή με στόχο το πάγωμα του δημόσιου λόγου - δεν είναι...

6 March 2023
15 min

Ep. 11 – Episode bonus – “Nous participons à fabriquer cet empire” – Entretien avec Alain Damasio – Déconnecté.e.s en 2050

Alain Damasio, auteur de multiples romans dont la “Horde du Contrevent”, est l’une des références de la Science-Fiction en France. 

Il se livre dans ses œuvres...

7 June 2023
22 min

S2 Ep. 1 — Disability in Times of War — Europe Talks Back

Once the Russian invasion of Ukraine started, people with disabilities suffered tremendously. And amid the panic and chaos that followed the invasion, many were unable to...

7 June 2023
17 min

S2 Ep. 2 — Behind the scenes of “Disability in Times of War”, with Anna Romandash — Europe Talks Back

Disability representation is crucial for creating an inclusive society that values diversity and human rights. Disability representation in media and government can help break down social...

16 June 2023
20 min

S2 Ep. 3 — What color is Dutch? Lifelines Twisted by Bias — Europe Talks Back

Although the Netherlands is internationally seen as a progressive country, the reality that many ethnic groups experience daily looks very different from the inside. In fact,...

19 June 2023
19 min

Ep. 3 — About pilots and blank stares — Exploring Citizen Science

After having better understood what citizen science is and why it matters in theory, Alexander continues his chat with people from COESO to understand how the...

19 June 2023
15 min

Ep. 4 — In Lisbon – part 1: Easier said than done — Exploring Citizen Science

After much conversations from remote, it's time to go on the ground and discover practices of citizen science. Alexander's colleagues, Jeremy Bocquet (creative director and sound...

19 June 2023
26 min

Ep. 5 — In Lisbon – part 2: Citizen Science hands-on — Exploring Citizen Science

The first conversations collected by Alexander's colleagues on the overall logic of COESO's pilot 1 - "Mass tourism's impact on urban communities" - left him wondering...

19 June 2023

Ep. 6 — Lunch boxes, videogames and more — Exploring Citizen Science

After the "Lisbon experience", Alexander goes on to talk to researchers and project managers of other pilot projects of COESO. The interviews he runs reveal the...

19 June 2023
18 min

Ep. 7 — Too good to be VERA — Exploring Citizen Science

After having explored an array of citizen science projects in the field of humanities and social sciences, Alexander wonders what will stay after COESO. So he...

19 June 2023
31 min

Ep. 8 — On Planet European Commission — Exploring Citizen Science

In the previous episodes of Exploring Citizen Science, Alexander analysed what citizen science is from a theoretical stand-point. Also, he looked at projects on the ground....

19 June 2023
25 min

Ep. 5 — About artificial intelligence and freedom. With György Tilesch — Freedom in Hungary

In this episode, we talk to György Tilesch, president of PHI Institute, AI expert and lawyer by the University of Pécs. He touches base on how...

19 June 2023
28 min

Ep. 6 — Living freely one’s own sexual orientation in Hungary, today and in the past. With Maria Kristofy (LGBT activist and member of Labrisz)— Freedom in Hungary

In this sixth and last episode of the first season of Freedom in Hungary, we talk to Maria Kristofy, member of Labrisz Lesbian Association and lecturer of the...

21 June 2023
12 min

S2 Ep. 4 — Behind the scenes of “What color is Dutch? Lifelines twisted by bias”, with Sarah Tekath — Europe Talks Back

German journalist Sarah Tekath exposes the ironies of progress and struggle in the Netherlands, discussing the challenges faced by people of color. Sarah is...

28 June 2023
23 min

S2 Ep. 5 — The future is now. Closing the age gap in the climate action movement — Europe Talks Back

In this episode of Europe Talks Back we bring to you the story of Karen from France, who, despite retiring, decided to join Greenpeace. Karen explains...

5 July 2023
17 min

S2 Ep. 6 — Behind the scenes of “The future is now: Closing the age gap in climate action movement”, with Irene Fodaro— Europe Talks Back

Producer María Dios interviews Italian journalist Irene Fodaro. Irene was Europe Talks Back's reporter on the ground for the previous episode, "The...

13 July 2023
22 min

S2 Ep. 7 — Youth Homelessness: How to survive the streets when you are under 25 — Europe Talks Back

In this episode of Europe Talks Back host Juli Simond tells the story of Mohammed Bouzghaia, a resilient young man who has faced some of life's...

13 July 2023
19 min

Ep. 9 — The show must go on — Exploring Citizen Science

In the last episode of this first season of Exploring Citizen Science, Alexander wraps up the content of the project. But more importantly, he tries to...

19 July 2023
15 min

S2 Ep. 8 — Behind the scenes of “Youth Homelessness: How to survive the streets when you are under 25” — Europe Talks Back

Producer María Dios interviews Spanish journalist Pablo Jiménez Arandia. Pablo was Europe Talks Back's reporter on the ground for the previous episode, "

27 July 2023
23 min

S2 Ep. 9 — From ghost towns to vibrant communities: the Musicians ex Machina — Europe Talks Back

In this episode of Europe Talks Back, we travel to Greece, where renowned musician Dimitris Mystakidis ignites deserted Greek villages with the power of music, as...

14 September 2023
17 min

S2 Ep. 10 — Behind the scenes of “From ghost towns to vibrant communities: the Musicians ex Machina” — Europe Talks Back

Producer María Dios invites Greek journalist Jenny Tsiropoulou to discuss her work as a reporter and scriptwriter for a previous podcast episode, "From...

14 September 2023
19 min

S2 Ep. 11 — Italy’s shrinking lakes: the case of Como — Europe Talks Back

In this episode of Europe Talks Back, Juli Simond tells the story of Filippo, a geologist and environmental guide, living in Como. Filippo discusses the impact...

14 September 2023
20 min

S2 Ep. 12 — Behind the scenes of “Italy’s shrinking lakes: the case of Como” — Europe Talks Back

Producer María Dios invites Italian journalist Maria Colonna to discuss her work as a reporter and scriptwriter for a previous podcast episode, "Italy's shrinking...

14 September 2023
18 min

S2 Ep. 13 — Post-separation abuse in the UK: The fight for freedom — Europe Talks Back

In this episode of Europe Talks Back, Juli Simond tells the story of Charlotte, a resilient mother who battles through the post-separation abuse she endured for...

14 September 2023
17 min

S2 Ep. 14 — Behind the scenes of “Post-separation abuse in the UK: The fight for freedom” — Europe Talks Back

Producer María Dios invites journalist Sophie Smith to discuss her work as a reporter and scriptwriter for a previous podcast episode, "Post-separation abuse in the UK:...

14 September 2023
26 min

S2 Ep. 15 — Social media and mental health: How being permanently on Twitter can lead to self-destruction — Europe Talks Back

In this episode of Europe Talks Back, Juli Simond tells the story of Pit-Roig Vinyals, a German language teacher based in Barcelona, Spain. Diagnosed with Borderline...

14 September 2023
14 min

S2 Ep. 16 — Behind the scenes of “Social media and mental health: How being permanently on Twitter can lead to self-destruction” — Europe Talks Back

Producer Maria Dios invites journalist Pablo Jiménez Arandia to discuss his work as a reporter and scriptwriter for the previous episode, “Social media and mental health:...

20 September 2023
21 min

S2 Ep. 17 — Being trans in the Catholic Church — Europe Talks Back

In this episode of Europe Talks Back, Juli Simond tells the story of Phyla Kupferschmidt, a 36-year-old trans woman originally from Canada but now living in...

29 September 2023
26 min

S2 Ep. 18 — Behind the scenes of “Being trans in the Catholic Church” & A chat with Maria Dios — Europe Talks Back

Producer Alexander Damiano Ricci invites Katie Jickling to discuss her work as a reporter and scriptwriter for a previous podcast episode, “Being...

4 October 2023
18 min

S2 Ep. 19 — Porto, please don’t stop the music — Europe Talks Back

In this episode of Europe Talks Back, Juli Simond tells the story of Bruno Costa, a Porto-based musician who has become the president of a musicians,...

11 October 2023

S2 Ep. 20 — Behind the scenes of “Porto, please don’t stop the music” — Europe Talks Back

Producer Alexander Damiano Ricci invites April Clare Welsh to discuss her work as a reporter and scriptwriter for the previous podcast episode...

18 October 2023
25 min

S2 Ep. 21 – How is podcasting transforming the European Media Landscape? Part 1 – Europe Talks Back

In this special episode of Europe Talks Back, Alexander Damiano Ricci and his guests discuss how podcasts incorporate alternative and independent points of view...

27 October 2023
21 min

S2 Ep. 22 – How is podcasting transforming the European Media Landscape? Part 2 – Europe Talks Back

This special episode of Europe Talks Back is the second part of the recording of a panel debate held on the 12th of October at 

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