The Water Series
Ep. 6 – Water & Space – The Water Series
What happens if we run out of clean drinking water on Earth? Could we go to outer space to find some? Is there even water in...
Ep. 5 – Water & Migration – The Water Series
When countries face existential threats or are economically less developed, their capacity for adapting to the increasing intensity of water-related events is generally low. Declining livelihood...
Ep. 4 – Water, War and Peace – The Water Series
Water is unevenly distributed around the world. Large portions of the world receive very little water from rainfall or rivers relative to their population. Over time,...
Ep. 3 – Water as a Human Right – The Water Series
Is there a human right to water? Water was first regulated in the Ancient Babylon 3700 years ago. Nonetheless, water as a human right appears to...
Ep. 2 – Water as a Resource – The Water Series
It is not uncommon to hear that someone is a fan of Leonardo DiCaprio, but hearing that Leonardo DiCaprio is someone else's fan - now, that...
Ep. 1 – Day Zero – The Water Series
Water. You turn on the tap and there it is. But what if it runs out? In this episode of the Water Series, we’ll learn about...