My question to Angela Merkel
Ep. 13 – Bonus Episode: Interview with Alexis Tsipras — My question to Angela Merkel
Alexis Tsipras: "Angela Merkel did not succeed in making Europe less German but she tried to make Germany more European."
In this bonus episode of my question...
Ep. 12 – Bonus episode by Crisis Group: German Foreign Policy After Merkel — My question to Angela Merkel
This episode bonus of "my question to Angela Merkel" is part of the series War & Peace, by the International Crisis Group, EuroPod's partner.
After sixteen years...
Ep. 11 – Bonus Episode – Interview with Jean-Claude Juncker — My question to Angela Merkel
They are both monsters of European political longevity. Jean-Claude Juncker, former President of the European Commission, answered EuroPod’s questions on Angela Merkel's career and legacy. You...
Ep. 10 – Angie and us — My question to Angela Merkel
The journey is about to end. Emilia has already walked us through the most pivotal moments of Angela Merkel’s life and political career, including her reaction...
Ep. 9 – This is a dog’s world — My question to Angela Merkel
By now we know all about Angela Merkel’s life and political career up until her famous “Wir schaffen das!”. Now Emilia will tell us all about...
Ep. 8 – Angie says « Wir schaffen das » and the extremes go mad — My question to Angela Merkel
Emilia has already delved into every detail of Merkel’s life and political career up until her reaction to the Greek sovereign debt crisis. As we will...
Ep. 7 – What’s with the Austerity Angie? — My question to Angela Merkel
By now we know all about Merkel’s life and political career up until how she reacted to the financial crash of 2008. In this episode, we...
Ep. 6 – Financial Crash and Angie: the Reluctant European — My question to Angela Merkel
Emilia already told us all about Merkel’s youth and retraced every step of her political career up until the role she played in closing the deal...
Ep. 5 – Lisbon Treaty, Angie’s Treaty? —My question to Angela Merkel
Emilia already told us all about Merkel’s youth and the beginning of her political career, including her years as Minister and leader of the opposition. Now,...
Ep. 4 – Angela Merkel, the Snow White Killer – My question to Angela Merkel
With Angela Merkel’s youth and the beginning of her political career already covered, Emilia will move on to tell us about Helmut Kohl opening many doors...
Ep. 3 – Minister Angie – My question to Angela Merkel
In the previous episodes Emilia has told us all about Angela Merkel’s youth. It is now time to discover her complex relationship with feminism and to...
Ep. 1 – Bebé Merkel, Angie Kasner – Mi pregunta a Angela Merkel
En este episodio, Emilia se embarca en la búsqueda de la pregunta perfecta para hacer a Angela Merkel centrándose en sus antecedentes. Conocemos detalles de su...
Ep. 2 – The Fall of the Berlin Wall and Angie at the sauna – My question to Angela Merkel
After having delved into her origins in the previous episode, Emilia moves on to investigate what Angela was up to in her late 20s and her...
Ep. 1 – La giovane Merkel – La mia domanda ad Angela Merkel
In quest’episodio, Emilia intraprende la sua ricerca della domanda perfetta da fare ad Angela Merkel concentrandosi sulle sue origini. Scopriamo dettagli della sua vita da figlia...
Ep. 1 – Bébé Merkel / Angie Kasner – Ma question à Angela Merkel
Dans cet épisode, Emilia commence sa quête de la question parfaite à poser à Angela Merkel en se penchant sur les origines de cette dernière. On...
Ep. 1 – Baby Merkel: Angie Kasner – My question to Angela Merkel
In this episode, Emilia starts her quest for the perfect question to ask Angela Merkel by looking into her origins. We find out about her life...