Exploring Citizen Science
Ep. 9 — The show must go on — Exploring Citizen Science
In the last episode of this first season of Exploring Citizen Science, Alexander wraps up the content of the project. But more importantly, he tries to...
Ep. 8 — On Planet European Commission — Exploring Citizen Science
In the previous episodes of Exploring Citizen Science, Alexander analysed what citizen science is from a theoretical stand-point. Also, he looked at projects on the ground....
Ep. 7 — Too good to be VERA — Exploring Citizen Science
After having explored an array of citizen science projects in the field of humanities and social sciences, Alexander wonders what will stay after COESO. So he...
Ep. 6 — Lunch boxes, videogames and more — Exploring Citizen Science
After the "Lisbon experience", Alexander goes on to talk to researchers and project managers of other pilot projects of COESO. The interviews he runs reveal the...
Ep. 5 — In Lisbon – part 2: Citizen Science hands-on — Exploring Citizen Science
The first conversations collected by Alexander's colleagues on the overall logic of COESO's pilot 1 - "Mass tourism's impact on urban communities" - left him wondering...
Ep. 4 — In Lisbon – part 1: Easier said than done — Exploring Citizen Science
After much conversations from remote, it's time to go on the ground and discover practices of citizen science. Alexander's colleagues, Jeremy Bocquet (creative director and sound...
Ep. 3 — About pilots and blank stares — Exploring Citizen Science
After having better understood what citizen science is and why it matters in theory, Alexander continues his chat with people from COESO to understand how the...
Ep. 2 — Entering the rabbit hole — Exploring Citizen Science
Puzzled by the relevance of citizen science, Alexander calls Alessia Smaniotto - research project manager of COESO. They talk about Alessia’s job and, more generally, about...
Ep. 1 — The ivory tower — Exploring Citizen Science
Alexander introduces himself and explains why his name is on the podcast: he shares the widespread criticism of academia and scientists through the "ivory tower" metaphor,...