Ep. 18 — Will the Women on Boards Directive finally break the glass ceiling?— Europe Talks Back
According to Eurostat, 229 million women live in the EU. That’s 4.6% more than men. However, fewer women make it to the top of society. When it comes to decision-making and board levels, women are under-represented. As the Gender Diversity Index shows, there are only 7% of female CEOs and just 35% of women on boards in EU top companies. On the 22nd of November, ten years later than expected, the European Union finally approved a directive that will force all member states to increase the presence of women on boards. Why has it taken so long to have a law aimed at closing the gender gap? How will this help women break the glass ceiling? On this podcast, host Alexander Damiano Ricci and co-host Maria Dios, discuss the approval of the Women on Board Directive in the EU. Also, Maria Dios interviews Hedwige Nuyens, Chair of European Women on Boards, a non-profit association that promotes gender equality in decision making and helps women across the EU accessing board level positions.
The website of the European on Women on Boards: https://europeanwomenonboards.eu/